
Software per a alertadors

The Problem With Counterfeit People

What should we do if AI becomes conscious? These scientists say it’s time for a plan

The AI revolution is running out of data. What can researchers do?

The Ethics of AI Identity Matching in Humanitarian Aid: When Perfect Consent Meets Impossible Choices

The Dark Side Of AI: Tracking The Decline Of Human Cognitive Skills

L’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona obre la porta a la policia predictiva

Manifest sobre “Feminisme, Pacifisme i Intel·ligència Artificial”

OEIAC Preavaluació

President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Calculating Empires by Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler

What should we do if AI becomes conscious? These scientists say it’s time for a plan

53 Responsible AI and Ethical Data Use Guides